Wednesday, January 1, 2020

What Is an American - 2973 Words

American writings have portrayed numerous ideologies of what it means to be an American and these ideals have transcended throughout time and can clearly be depicted by the major influential literary aspirants from each century. The one thing that remains the same is that it has always been a struggle to forge a truly American identity given the fact that our nation is one of immigrants. These early works reached the level of literature, as in the robust and perhaps truthful account of his adventures by many literary aspirants such as: Thomas Jefferson, William Bradford, Crevecoeur, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Through the tendentious journalistic accounts as directed by the edification of these credited writers, the identity of these†¦show more content†¦In reference to the differences in skin color, Jefferson states, â€Å"Is it not the foundation of a greater or less share of beauty in the two races?† He recognized that to ensure order was kept if races were created eq ual, it would require the blacks to be removed from the reach of mixture with the whites. Ultimately, it seems that Jefferson was influenced by Locke’s work because Jefferson seems to have the same beliefs about how a government should function and how it should protect its people. The first great American Puritan, William Bradford came to America on the Mayflower in 1620 as one of the many Separatists, Puritans who believed the Church of England could not be reformed and therefore resolved to separate themselves from it. â€Å"Of Plymouth Plantation† by William Bradford provides a glimpse of the Puritan mind in the reformation of the Separatists in the influential cultural myth of what being an American, during that time, really was. Bradford, who became governor of Plymouth Colony in 1621, wrote an account of the Separatists travails and successes, comparing them to the Israelites in the wilderness. William Bradford’s vision for the New World was definitely influenced by his beliefs he saw America as the â€Å"promise land† as many settlers’ do today. He drew many parallels between the Puritans struggles with the New World and the trials the Israelites’ struggled within the wilderness. He proclaims that being anShow MoreRelatedWhat Is An American?1384 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is an American? America, one of the largest and most famous countries in the world. Mainly the most known for allowing freedom. The United States of America is one of the only countries in the world that permits equal rights for men and women. It is the only country in the world made out of many different countries and religions. America contains more than 300 million people, and  ¾ of the population are immigrants. Immigrants are people who were born in different countries who migrate to Read MoreWhat Is An American?1040 Words   |  5 PagesThe Question of â€Å"What is an American?† can be answered in many ways depending on the person you’re talking to. Over time, technology and people have changed drastically. From the big sail boats the pilgrims used to cross the seas to the huge freight ships that travel ridiculous amounts of miles used today. But through all of the advancements that we’ve seen over the years, one thing has stayed in place and that is perseverance. The re are always those people who get the job done when it needs to beRead More What Is An American Essay1650 Words   |  7 Pagesquestion; What is an American. This country is full of individuals of many backgrounds, and diversities and each person has a different opinion on this question. In my opinion, an American is someone who values freedom and equality and pursues the American dream. Every American exercises these rights and these are great adjectives to describe our country. Each of the seven readings, and the one image I compiled help mold this broader definition into a more precise description of an American. RobertRead MoreWhat Is The American Dream?942 Words   |  4 PagesIf asked the question, â€Å" What is the American Dream?†, many people would have a variety of answers. It may depend on many factors including, how one has been raised, their age, socioeconomic factors, and ethnicity. There have been so many changes in our country over the years from the 1900’s until now including wars, racial beliefs and family structures which led to an array of definitions of the American Dream. An American Dream can be different for each person. It can be about many factors as weRead More What an American Is Essays976 Words   |  4 PagesWhat an American Is Webster?s Dictionary defines American as or its inhabitants. But is that all America and an American truly is? Is a person American simply because of geography? According to Identities, ?America is a confluence of cultures.? Americans are people whose lives depict men and women who are trying to be as successful and robust as possible, this quest is symbolic to citizens of many other countries. This is why America illustrates the Statue of Liberty, a structure thatRead MoreWhat Is The American Dream?1407 Words   |  6 Pages What is the American Dream? If you ask anyone they will provide you with all types of answers, from making a successful life for one to wishing and hoping that America changes and grows as a whole. Personally I believe that the American Dream is the idea that was put in my head as a small child by parents and the other adults around. For me, this was the motion that in the beginning it’s as simple as going to school and make A’s so that I can be accepted into a good college, and then you must workRead MoreWhat Makes An American?791 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is an American? One may say an American is just someone who gets to live free in America, but it is so much more than that. at American is not just a single person but instead it’s everyone as a whole. It’s not who we are as a person but who we are supposed to want to be. An American is everything beautiful. When I think of America I can’t help but think of the song by Katharine Bates, â€Å"America! America! God shed his grace on thee And crown the good with brotherhood From sea to shining seaRead MoreWhat It Means to Be American954 Words   |  4 PagesAmericans strongly affirm the principles of religious freedom, religious tolerance, and separation of church and state. Nearly 9-in-10 (88 percent) Americans agree that America was founded on the idea of religious freedom for everyone, including religious groups that are unpopular. Ninety-five percent of Americans agree that all religious books should be treated with respect even if we don’t share the religious beliefs of those who use them. 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