Thursday, January 9, 2020

Socio Cultural Profile And Development - 1689 Words

Amity Institute of Anthropology (AUUP) NTCC TERM PAPER JUANG: Socio-cultural profile and development Saahil Rahman BSA/13/102 Bsc(H)Anthropology 5th Semester Introduction:- Juang is one of the primitive tribes in Orrisa. They speak Juang language, a dialect of Munda language. The word Juang in their words means human. They are very shy people and have a very rich cultural background. They organize themselves in strong clan groups. These clans are called Barabhai at the village level and a union of these are called Pirah. Juang people are found in the hilly region of keonjhar district. Several primitive villages can be found. It is said that the juang people came from Juang Pirh in keonjhar. They have moved to nearby districts as well. These people depend upon the forests for all their needs. They practice slash and burn cultivation which is one of the most important part of their culture. They have developed relations with other castes and ethnic groups with whom their economy is intertwined. The juang seem to have preserved their cultural identity better than anyone else. Majang can be considered to be the centre of the socio-cultural hub of a juang village. It acts as the dormitories for theShow MoreRelatedImpact Of The Services Of Microfinance Institutions On The Economic Empowerment Of Women Essay1626 Words   |  7 Pages3. Objectives of the Study 1. To analyze the impact of the services of MFIs on the economic empowerment of women in Aligarh 2. To assess the impact of the services of MFIs on the Socio-cultural empowerment of women in Aligarh 3. To offer suggestions for the betterment of working of MFIs for women empowerment. 4. Hypotheses of the study On the basis of the objectives following are the main hypotheses of the study 1. 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