Monday, September 16, 2019


A hero is a person who carries divergent qualities and abilities and is admired by others for his achievements and his brave deeds. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Tactics Finch is exhibited as man who stuck with his morals, values, beliefs and ethics regarding all situations he was put through throughout the novel. He stood on his ground, making a luminous understanding to the people of Macomb that nothing would affect his thinking.Finch is a hero through his effectuation that are underscored right through the evolve and his abilities that were demonstrated and explained through other characters in the novel. Despite all Finch took the challenge of defending a â€Å"colored† man in the time of when slavery was abolished but black people were thought to be lower than white people. In life, one is taught and influenced by many of how to approach, and solve problems. One should be capable of standing strong in his/her beliefs despite what others might not say.Ta ctics Finch was a man who believed in what was right as cliche as it might sound he did not believe in the popular convictions because according to him success was not in winning in fact he did not mind loosing as long as he put his best in the situation. Often in life, one confronts situations where they have to make a decision, a decision that will lead them to the right path and having only one chance of doing so. Sometimes in failure was where one would find their victory.Tactics Finch, a successful lawyer in Macomb, Alabama, was authorized to take up the case of defending a black or â€Å"colored† man as referred in the novel regardless of the â€Å"usual Macomb disease† that conquered the whole town. Finch's kids, Jean Louis offered as Scout and Gem, were being bullied in school for their father defending a black man that is wrong no matter what the circumstances are. They were being questioned and they questioned their father about why Finch would defend a black when it is not accepted or considered good in the people of Macomb.Tactics Finch was a well respected man of the town, he always knew what to do and what not to do. When the kids questioned he simply answered â€Å"l am simply defending a Necrosis name's Tom Robinson† (Lee 75). Tactics Finch was a man of his words, once said he put all his strength to accomplish the task. His confidence and dignity made him a heroic figure for the people in town, in fact many people looked up to him. Once the word was spread of him taking Robinsons case, the citizens knew that he might Just have s chance of being Justified.On the day of the Robinson Trial, when Tactics entered the court room people stood up for him as respect. Reverend Sykes had even demanded for Scout to stand up when her father entered the courtroom. Considering the fact that Sykes was black, all the â€Å"colored† groups stood up as well. California, a black woman who worker in Finch's home, took Gem and Scout to h er lack people church where they were not disrespected or kicked out rather was welcomed warmly. If Tactics had denied to take up Robinsons case than the situation would have been different because than the kids could have been treated the complete opposite.However, the black people completely aware that Tactics definitely possessed the traits to handle such a complicated case in a such a difficult situation which Just made them respect him and his family more. Not Just taking up the Robinsons case made Finch a hero but it was throughout how he helped others in need. Finch was known as the â€Å"One-Shot Finch† as he was the best shooter in the whole town and got his work done in one gun-shot, no more than one. Finch had been successful in saving the town from a â€Å"mad dog† by shooting at it with one shot.This was a new side to Finch that his kids were not aware of, and when witnessed it, it left them stumped. Miss Maude, a woman who always spoke with a reason, seem ed to know Tactics pretty well, she told Gem and Finch, when younger Finch was known as the â€Å"01†² One Shot† (98 Lee). That had left the kids a bit confused since they were strangers to this news about their father. Miss Maude cleared their confusion that their father was capable of performing everything. Miss Maude told them that Tactics Finch was the best checker player and had knowledge in playing Jews harp.Tactics once said muff never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them† and to Scout â€Å"As Tactics advised me to, I tried to climb into Gem's skin and walk in it† were two clear examples of showing how his kids followed his suggestions (Lee 57). Because for Gem and Scout he was a true hero in their eyes; they were so sure that Tactics Finch would give it his best regardless of how implicated the situation is. Their father was who they looked up to and knew that he was always correct.Not did he only defend a black mal e, but remained respectful to everyone in the town including Mrs.. Dubos. Mrs.. Dubos remained grouchy and mean all the time to everyone, Tactics always tried to ignore her ignorance and talk to her in a cheerful- attitude†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ You look like a picture this evening†(Lee 100). Mrs.. Dubos was not the only one that Tactics tolerated, but his sister, Alexandra also gave him, the kids and mainly California a really difficult time. Tactics and the kids thought of California as their Emily member; however, Aunt Alexandra never appreciated their presence.Also, as Tactics said † †¦ Scaloppini's not leaving this house until she wants to. She's a faithful member of this family†¦ † (Lee 137). Tactics is a major influence to others especially when he is clearly highlighted that courage and believing in one self helps to overcome any obstacle that comes in ones way. Tactics stated in the book that you must fight despite you seeing chances of loosing more than winning. He did not believe racism existed as he was the one who went out in the courtroom to defend a black despite seeing no chances of him inning.He was well aware that no matter how strong his case would be racism would always come in the way and prevent from him wining; however, that did not discourage in fact it Just made him work harder on his case and presented exceptionally well which even left the audience in the courtroom stumped. Finch believed in equality, and no matter what race you are humanity should always exist no matter what the circumstances become. He fought till the very end, from risking his life for Robinson to making a solid and strong speech which was mind blowing end to the case.Finch protected his family well which he also took pride in; ergo, he never got egotistical about it because often he doubted himself not to be a good father despite him trying so hard to be a good. He was able to give his children advice on what they were struggling on. Finch was a strong, determined man who did not tolerate any kind of nonsense and only went through decisions of his own that he thought were correct in is eyes Often in life, one confronts situations where they have to make a decision, a decision that will lead them to the right path and having only one chance of doing so.

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