Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cultural Awareness, Understanding, and Acceptance Research Paper

Cultural Awareness, Understanding, and Acceptance - Research Paper Example The purpose of this study entails studying two different cultures in the society that affect the learning behaviors in the classroom. This issue is connected to cultural diversity where the different cultures with their own set of beliefs will agree on certain aspects of cultural behaviors or conventions and disagree or misunderstand each other regarding the diverse cultural aspects they portent and so value. The teachers in classrooms, thus, ought to incorporate multicultural education into their teaching processes ensuring that they embrace and apply equality and diversity into the education curriculum. The paper will describe two different cultures, the Hispanic and Anglos, establishing why everyone in the school should accept, understand and be aware of cultural diversity to enable the learning process. Cultural awareness is undoubtedly the real foundation of noble and effective communication since it encompasses the act of stepping aside from oneself and realizing the cultural v alues, perceptions and beliefs that we portend. The aspect of awareness of cultures becomes consummately significant on interacting with different people from different cultural backgrounds. Conventionally, people see, understand and interpret things in different ways, whereby a characteristic behavior or perception in one culture can be interpreted as inappropriate in another. Thus, misunderstandings may erupt when one tries to apply their cultural views and understandings in making sense of a different person’s reality. ... B. Results section: Culture descriptions I. Hispanic Culture 1. Religion and spiritual beliefs Approximately 90% of the Hispanic people are Roman Catholics while the other denominations dominate the remnant percentage (Miguel, 2009). They believe that health comes as a gift from their creator and people should not assume it. It comes from God. In cases of illnesses, prevention is achieved through wearing of amulets, religious medals and relic keeping. They constantly, visit shrines, offer medals and light candles, with persistent prayers as a sign of worship to their God. Shrines and saint pictures in homes of Hispanics is a common religious practice. They celebrate the saints’ day with jest than individuals do in their birthdays (Miguel 2009). The church comprises a significant part in the family lives of the Hispanic spiritual life. Religious institutions are a source of comfort to families in times of adversity. The Bible and other religious teachings that teach the Hispani cs how to live well guide life within the context of the family (Literacynet, 2012). 2. Teaching and Learning implications Attention to gaining and maintenance of trust is consummately important since Hispanics value that virtue in learning processes. Educational efforts among the Hispanic youth are dependent upon the active involvement of the Hispanic elders in the evaluation, delivery and planning of the educational efforts (Rojas, 2008). Therefore, they value exemplary leadership. Notably, Hispanics greatly value close distance when conversing. Respect towards ;learners is a profound Hispanic attribute, making it imperative for teachers to act respectfully towards them, for instance, individually, presenting papers to them

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