Monday, September 30, 2019

Lennie Small is the central character in the novel, ‘Of Mice and Men’ Essay

Lennie Small is the central character in the novel, ‘Of Mice and Men’. The American John Steinbeck wrote the story about Ranch life in the 1930s. Lennie is perhaps the most interesting character in the novel. He is likeable and even loveable, maybe because he himself is so keen to show affection. There is a huge part of Lennie that means no harm, however he is definitely not harmless. He is both villain and victim, caring and destructive. He is complicated, even contradictory. At the time the novel was published the American stock market on Wall Street crashed catastrophically. This led to a massive economic depression in the 1930s when increasing mechanisation was driving agricultural labourers off the land. California was filling with official and unofficial refugee camps. Drought and over-farming were reducing the amount of fertile land. This meant owners in Oklahoma and Arkansas were going bankrupt and banks were repossessing their land. Banks themselves were collapsing and all of it was worse if you were black. America was still a highly racist and segregated society. The American Dream was dead. Poverty and starvation stalked California and other stricken states. Migrants were worst of, there were no unions to protect workers, the bosses held on to their own wealth. The rich stayed rich and the poor stayed poor. There was no more unclaimed land, striking gold was extremely rare and wages were so low no one could afford to save any of their money. Many people in society didn’t have jobs – there was a 30% unemployment rate. Everyone was suffering and everyone just wanted to have a better quality of life. The whole world was a mess. The depression affected Europe economically too. And politically, Europe was slowly descending into chaos, especially because of the rise in fascism in Germany, Italy and Spain. In 1937, when Steinbeck wrote ‘Mice and Men’ civil war broke out in Spain in an attempt to suppress fascism. The Nazis were in power in Germany and becoming increasingly repressive, world war two was not far off. Although Steinbeck’s novel isn’t about any of these things specifically, in a world filling with chaos and economic depression, here was story that almost everyone could identify with. So unsurprisingly it sold, and sold, and sold†¦ Lennie is a huge grown man, but he is also very childlike. He is a brilliant farm labourer because he is a powerful man with huge hands. He may grown up physically but he hasn’t grown up mentally, as Slim says, ‘he’s jes like a kid.’ Lennie is innocent, and doesn’t really know how to behave; he asks a lot of innocent questions. Slim says he can see immediately that Lennie ‘ain’t mean’. Lennie does not seem interested in other people, apart from beautiful women. He takes orders from George, and he can also take orders from Slim about petting his new puppy. It is clear that Lennie doesn’t want to disobey anyone or do anything wrong. He takes orders and can slave away, like a machine. He is a very useful person for George to have teamed up with, because he’ll earn loads of cash. Curley’s wife calls Lennie a ‘dumdum’. Earlier, Slim says he seems a bit of a ‘cuckoo’- ‘crazy’. But George quickly denies it- Lennie is very slow but he’s not insane. However, when we see what Lennie does during the course of the novel, you begin to wonder. He is subject to violent fits and may be mentally ill, but these things weren’t properly diagnosed back then. Lennie identifies with animals; he looks like a bear, and walks like one – ‘he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws.’ He also eats and drinks like a hungry animal. He slavers and drools over beautiful women (e.g. Curley’s wife). It seems like he can’t control some of his animal instincts. Since childhood he has befriended animals before people – and it has to be cuddly animals. His Aunt Clara used to give him mice to play with. He is stubborn and very possessive over his animals, for example, over his mice, his puppy and his dream of tending his own rabbits. He never wants to let the animals we see him with out of his sight. But he is not very good at deceiving George – he knows whenever Lennie’s got one hidden in his coat or in his pocket. Lennie is always on the lookout for a pet, a mouse, a rabbit, a puppy or maybe a ‘purty’ woman. Lennie loves tame and friendly animals, that’s mostly what he is himself, tame and friendly. The mother of his new brown and white pup allows him to handle the others -‘she don’t care. She lets me.’ Animals seem unusually comfortable and unthreatened by him. However, there is another side to this obsession with animals. He’s also got a male animal’s sex drive. This expresses itself in his desire to stroke soft things, the lady in Weeds dress and Curley’s wife hair, for example. This seems sexual, but Lennie’s not mature enough to understand it. In both cases, whatever the motivation, the consequences were very bad. Lennie is dependent on George in both body and mind. George has virtually adopted him after Aunt Clara died. Lennie couldn’t survive on his own. He has none of the independence or practical skills of most adults. He wouldn’t be able to sort out food and shelter for himself. This is despite his repeated offer of going of on his own and living in a cave. In some ways he is animal-like but he probably wouldn’t survive a week out in the wild. George is the only person to stimulate Lennie’s mind, filling it with the dream of owning and farming their own land. Lennie is, in a way, addicted to this vision – pleading with George to tell him about it whenever he gets the chance. He gets himself into scrapes and he needs George to tell him about it whenever he gets the chance. He gets himself into scrapes and he needs George to get him out of them – like with Curley. He’d probably have been lynched or locked up years ago if George hadn’t stepped in. George is his parent, his brother, his guardian and his friend. He always there for him. George knows Lennie inside out. Lennie can’t keep secrets from him, like hiding mice in his pockets. Perhaps this isn’t surprising; Lennie has been with him for a long time, he has been independent on him for a long time. Lennie does however, give something in return, he is a good worker, he can do the work of two men. This is very useful for George. It helps them get and keep work, until Lennie mucks it all up. Lennie is also a killer. This is one of the key things in the whole novel. The gentlest man is also the most destructive. He is dangerous, and a violent killer. He attacks Curley, Curley’s wife, kills mice and throws his pup onto the barn floor in anger. He is not intentionally malicious. He doesn’t want to cause pain, when he fights Curley he’s actually encouraged by George: ‘Get ‘im Lennie!’ Lennie actually says afterwards he ‘didn’t wanta hurt him.’ Lennie has little self-restraint. He does everything in extremes. He’s liable to panic when someone else does, with Curley’ wife. In these panic attacks things tend to happen too suddenly, one minute he’s stroking Curley’s wife’s hair, the next he’s broken her neck. And even George can’t get him to stop crushing Curley’s hand. This is the tragedy of Lennie’s life; friendliness turns to aggression. As George says he ‘don’t know no rules’. But Lennie’s aggression is innocent, what’s what makes it different from the others’. Like others on the farm, Lennie is doomed to failure. Although his frequent violence is often unintended it still gets into trouble. For example, holding that girls dress in Weed, squashing mice and the puppy, and killing Curley’s wife. According to George Lennie is not malicious but he ‘don’t know no rules. But Lennie has sudden fits of anger, like when he hurled the puppy across the barn and he killed it. This suggests Lennie is not quite as innocent and blameless as George says he is. People pick on Lennie because he is stupid. Curley picks on him from the moment they meet. As does the boss, Curley’s wife and Crooks. His stupidity gets in him constant trouble. Because he can’t think for himself, he lives by his senses. That’s partly where the stroking comes in. he knows it feels nice, he doesn’t wonder why, he just does it. In the novel names are often symbolic. Steinbeck uses names to drop hints about the characters. Lennie’s surname is Small. Carlson makes a joke about it. But although he is huge height-wise, Lennie is fairly small in the brains department, so in a way it is not so ironic. Lennie is a complex, contradictory character. He is a large stupid, violent, strong, childish man who is very animal like. He always travels with George, he may be big and strong but it is very clear he is very slow. His main dream in life is to ‘tend the rabbits’ and ‘live off the fatta the lan’.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Wife of Bath

Geoffrey Chaucer expresses present day realities throughout his novel The Canterbury Tales. Throughout the Wife of Bath’s prologue, the wife illustrates her actions to be equal to those of a feminist. The wife pleads to stand out without conforming to societal standards. Feminism is defined as the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men. During the 14thcentury, it was likely that the Wife of Bath was thought of as a destructive rebel.In modern times our society considers the Wife of Bath to be a revolutionary feminist who refuses to conform to the expectations of women during her time. The thought of women continuously desiring attention from a man and always being sought out to express promiscuous actions is a reality revealed in the Wife of Bath’s Prologue. Lines 263 through 270 of the Wife of Bath’s Prologue reveal the wife’s view upon how men illustrate the actions of women. And if she is ugly, you say that she covets every man she sees; for she will leap on him like a spaniel until she finds some man who will buy her wares. † The quote explains that this woman is not able to persuade a man or even capable of being pursued because her looks are not appeasing, she must use her sexuality in order to have her way or get what ever she wants. Though this may be a negative view of women, this simply says women receive no recognition. Whatever a woman does, it is never good enough for a man’s desire.The Wife of Bath’s Prologue also expresses the idea of women not pleased or wanting to be controlled neither having a master but instead searching for sovereignty in relationships. The 14th Century was a very relevant time of which women were controlled by their husbands. â€Å"We don’t love a man who carefully watches where we go; we want to be at large. † (Lines 321-322) This quote simply explains that women do not want to be controlled, as men do – they also want power of themselves and to go about things as they please. Women sometimes go after a love that they do not possess for the purpose of gaining more power.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Wine bar project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Wine bar project - Essay Example The market survey and customer interviews that have been conducted provided the most important data needed for this business plan. The written plan highlights the executive overview of the marketing strategies to be adopted in order to increase the market feasibility of wine trading. The quality of the product and the strategies for the business are very crucial in the growth of any business. According to Marry-Colleen Tinney, â€Å"Wine consumers in the Unites States are evolving. Unlike in decades past, consumers’ today are more comfortable with wine as an every day luxury, are more confident with their choices and are willing to explore the category more fully than ever before. The more you bring up different options, the more consumers are going to make them a part of their purchasing decisions. Within the past five years the wine occasion has become more casual as consumers are enjoying wine as part of every day life.† (Tinney, 2007). The customers have the habit of experimenting with the varieties of wine and new products in the market. The National Restaurant Association reports â€Å"that 46 percent of adults patronize an eating establishment on typical day, resulting in approximately 50 billion meals eaten out nationwide.† (Suffolk County Department of Health Services). As the retail price of imported wines has dropped, perceptions of wine h ave changed from solely for special occasions to more daily consumption habits. This has driven an increasing consumer consciousness of price and quality and overall education about wine. By utilizing this opportunity wine bar with catering service will successfully operate in Suffolk County. After locating the premises of choice, it is crucial to obtain permits and license from health authorities and New York State Liquor authority before opening a Wine Bar in Suffolk

Friday, September 27, 2019

Leadership Principles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Leadership Principles - Assignment Example I would take responsibility for my every grade and not seek people to blame about it. I would set good example to every other individual in the education center. As a student I would enhance good communication skills between myself, the tutors and my fellow students. In case of any conflicts in the course of my education process, I would employ the principle of good problem solving skills to ensure that the situation is well handled. c. Am encouraging team work by discussions. I organize discussions and attend as many as possible just to share ideas and help one another. Am leading by an example because at school I have organized a group of volunteers that keeps the compound clean and educate other students on the leadership techniques and skills. d. While doing any research proposal, I make sound and timely decisions, use good problem solving skills which are major principles of leadership. I also ensure that am in the fore front and thus leading by example. e. I will research on more principles of leadership and follow them so that I may be fully equipped and enhance my leadership skills. I will also research on the progress of successful leaders and follow their

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cultural Awareness, Understanding, and Acceptance Research Paper

Cultural Awareness, Understanding, and Acceptance - Research Paper Example The purpose of this study entails studying two different cultures in the society that affect the learning behaviors in the classroom. This issue is connected to cultural diversity where the different cultures with their own set of beliefs will agree on certain aspects of cultural behaviors or conventions and disagree or misunderstand each other regarding the diverse cultural aspects they portent and so value. The teachers in classrooms, thus, ought to incorporate multicultural education into their teaching processes ensuring that they embrace and apply equality and diversity into the education curriculum. The paper will describe two different cultures, the Hispanic and Anglos, establishing why everyone in the school should accept, understand and be aware of cultural diversity to enable the learning process. Cultural awareness is undoubtedly the real foundation of noble and effective communication since it encompasses the act of stepping aside from oneself and realizing the cultural v alues, perceptions and beliefs that we portend. The aspect of awareness of cultures becomes consummately significant on interacting with different people from different cultural backgrounds. Conventionally, people see, understand and interpret things in different ways, whereby a characteristic behavior or perception in one culture can be interpreted as inappropriate in another. Thus, misunderstandings may erupt when one tries to apply their cultural views and understandings in making sense of a different person’s reality. ... B. Results section: Culture descriptions I. Hispanic Culture 1. Religion and spiritual beliefs Approximately 90% of the Hispanic people are Roman Catholics while the other denominations dominate the remnant percentage (Miguel, 2009). They believe that health comes as a gift from their creator and people should not assume it. It comes from God. In cases of illnesses, prevention is achieved through wearing of amulets, religious medals and relic keeping. They constantly, visit shrines, offer medals and light candles, with persistent prayers as a sign of worship to their God. Shrines and saint pictures in homes of Hispanics is a common religious practice. They celebrate the saints’ day with jest than individuals do in their birthdays (Miguel 2009). The church comprises a significant part in the family lives of the Hispanic spiritual life. Religious institutions are a source of comfort to families in times of adversity. The Bible and other religious teachings that teach the Hispani cs how to live well guide life within the context of the family (Literacynet, 2012). 2. Teaching and Learning implications Attention to gaining and maintenance of trust is consummately important since Hispanics value that virtue in learning processes. Educational efforts among the Hispanic youth are dependent upon the active involvement of the Hispanic elders in the evaluation, delivery and planning of the educational efforts (Rojas, 2008). Therefore, they value exemplary leadership. Notably, Hispanics greatly value close distance when conversing. Respect towards ;learners is a profound Hispanic attribute, making it imperative for teachers to act respectfully towards them, for instance, individually, presenting papers to them

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Financial Ratios Project Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Ratios Project - Case Study Example The figure in Wal-Mart is lesser than one though higher than that in Target ( The receivables turnover ratio measures a companies’ effectiveness in collecting debt. Target’s ratio increases by a bigger margin than that of Wal-Mart over the three years. However, the receivables turnover ratio of Wal-Mart is still higher than that of Target. The inventory turnover ratio measures the effectiveness of a company in converting its inventory to sales. The ratio in Target decreases slightly over the three-year period while that in Wal-Mart increases. The asset turnover measures the management’s effectiveness in utilizing the company assets to produce sales. This ratio increases by a bigger in margin over the three years in Target than in Wal-Mart though Wal-Mart still has a higher a ratio. The profit margin indicates how much profit is generated from a company’s sales. This ratio fluctuates in Target over the three years while it remains constant with slight changes in Wal-Mart. Return on assets ratio measures a company’s effectiveness in utilizing assets to generate profits. Target’s return on assets ratio fluctuates over the three years. Wal-Mart’s ratio is higher than that of Target despite it decreasing slightly. The return on equity measures a company’s effectiveness in utilizing shareholder equity to generate profit. This ratio fluctuates in Target as it decreases slightly in Wal-Mart. Despite this, Wal-Mart ratio is still higher than that of Target ( The debt to assets ratio measures the leverage level of the company in relation to its assets. Target’s debt to assets ratio is higher than that of Wal-Mart over the three years. Free cash flows ratio shows the amount of cash flow, which is attributable to the equity holders and debt holders of a company. The ratio fluctuates in both the companies though the one in Wal-Mart is higher. Times interest, earned ratio shows the ability of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Photographing and photographs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Photographing and photographs - Essay Example For instance, the pictured house from the Bozar Centre for Fine Arts gives an image of either how a certain community used to build its houses or how it builds them in the current time. The viewer is able to tell that the time of the day that is either early morning or late in the evening as depicted by dull and bright colors, which he or she has integrated.   A photograph can carry different kind of message, for instance, conceptual photography that entails capturing a meaning as well as essence of that particular moment. For the photographer to take such ideas to the extreme, he or she has to use various techniques such as light, poses, elements, atmosphere and props among others to create or bring out the mood or deliver his or her feelings to the watcher. Most conceptual photographs contain varied messages or else a series of emotions besides it is only a few of them that contain a single message (Dettling 84). By observing the above Bozar image, one finds it very attractive to the eyes because the artist employed different techniques intelligently to bring out the aesthetic value of the picture. The photographer took the image from the front elevation and having similar height to cover much of its parts such as the roof, window and the door.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Use of cameras in taking photographs and videos is now replacing the ancient methods of putting down images such as drawing or painting that were quite challenging to coming up with the exact image as the pictured object (Dettling 22).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Lab Management Software Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lab Management Software - Research Paper Example (Erhabor & Adias, 2012, p.  xx) Key features included in Lab Management software (but not limited to) are workflow, data searching, flexible architecture, efficient data exchange interfaces, and remotely accessible. (Azad, Auer, & Harward, 2012, p.  xx) These features completely "support its use in synchronized environments." These features and uses of Lab Management Software have shown advancement over the years from straightforward sample searching to an ERP tool that administers several features of laboratory processes. Lab Management Software is dynamic because of the evolving requirements of the modern laboratories. These requirements are evolving rapidly and vary from lab to lab. For this reason definition of LMS eventually depends on the interpretation by the entities or groups involved. A Laboratory Management System (LMS) is management software that enables us to efficiently manage samples and associated data to develop lab effectiveness. It automates flow of work, integrates equipments, and manages data and associated information. Labs using LMS increase their level of professionalism and their ability to meet up the requirements of customers in two ways. One is LMS helps labs produce precise and reproducible results quicker and more reliably and second is LMS helps lab to evaluate and improve operational efficiency by making data from sequential processes making it easier to store, quicker to track, and assess over time and across experiments. Some of the most familiar challenges may include; managing with the ongoing and significant increase in the throughput and volume of data associated with processing. Finding scalable methods to arrange and track samples and linked information. Managing connections between samples and linked information from the moment samples enter the lab to when data is processed. Reducing time expense that was spent during manual processing of samples. Storing and reproducing information associated

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Npcst Library System Essay Example for Free

Npcst Library System Essay A collection of such materials, especially when systematically arranged; a room of private home for such collection. At first glance, your library is a bunch of books with a librarian to check them out to you, and back in when you return them. Librarian ensures (of tries to, as money permits) your library is well stocked with current titles. These current titles include, in addition to books, videos, tapes and CDs, magazines, encyclopedia, genealogical research stuff and more. The librarian also has to keep the building neat and in good repair and also these things only shows a few of the things which make up your library. Schools set the various pedagogical changes to achieve the current level of education in other countries. Because of the growing numbers of computer users, this became an effective medium to demonstrate the knowledge and skills of the students. From the traditional searching process for the books in the libraries, the interactive usage of computers can be now addressed as part of the library system.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

And Still We Rise Essay Essay Example for Free

And Still We Rise Essay Essay It is a unique experience to be rendered completely helpless, to be put completely at the mercy of another human being by force. I have felt complete submission of this kind once in my life; I lay on the cold, wet grass, confused, slowly regaining consciousness after being choked out. As I look back on how I have lived my life over the past couple years, this incident is one of the most influential factors. After being so overpowered by another man, I decided that I could never let this kind of thing happen to me again. I became extremely motivated to lift weights, and to learn wrestling and MMA. This experience changed my expectations for myself and helped me realize that it is in my hands to decide how I am perceived. It was a dispute over nothing. Two guys, driven by a natural instinct to fight, finding an excuse to challenge each other. These two guys were me, a scrawny, 100lb 8th grader, and Collin a well built 22 year old. We were sitting around a bon fire with five other friends, but only six fold-out chairs. Collin suggested tap out to decide who got the last chair, and the next thing I remember is the utterly confused feeling as I regained my senses one by one. It was a full minute before I really knew what had happened: unable to break a choke hold, I had refused to tap out and collapsed unconscious on the ground. It is hard to describe the mix of relief and humiliation that I felt as I walked away from the incident. Even though I trusted and respected Collin, he had just proved my vulnerability and made me realize my lack of confidence. I did not, however, accept my defenselessness and move on. I realized that there was no reason for me to have settled for my skinny pathetic build, and I hit the weights. I started lifting six days a week a friend of mine and within three months, had put on fifteen pounds of muscle. A full year later, I weighed 155 and bench pressed over 200lbs. This incident is also one of the main reasons I started wrestling, a sport that I have grown to love and excel in. To complete my self-improvement plan, I took a few MMA classes and got some sparring equipment and a heavy bag to practice on. Since then, I’ve spent hours in my garage letting my anger out on that bag to staying in wrestling shape. Of course I am no were close to my vision for myself, still only 5’ 8†, and well below my goal of muscular development, but I can see that it is possible. This whole process has taught me that I am I control of my own destiny. Any goal is attainable if you work for it, and what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. This event was not the only factor contributing to my decision to change, I hated being skinny. It was however an incredible catalyst, giving me a specific reason around which to focus my efforts. It made me realize that you are born with no restrictions. No matter what your natural conditions are, they can be changed and formed to fit your ideals. Furthermore, it’s up to you to change them and the effort you put in will be directly reflected in your outcome. This experience brought to light that, when I have a goal in mind, I am incredibly motivated and focused. It has shown that I can maintain interest in a goal and continually set the bar higher and higher. This experience has changed the way I perceive and carry myself. It has shaped me into someone who is comfortable with their abilities and willing to work to improve themselves. It has shown my ability to let setbacks help me grow and demonstrated my strong self motivation. Ultimately, I am very thankful for Collin and what he did for me, in a sense, being completely helpless has been one of the most empowering situations of my life so far.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Management Of Financial Resource And Performance Commerce Essay

Management Of Financial Resource And Performance Commerce Essay Management of financial resources is crucial in any business. According to Harrison and Enz (2005, p.72), If financial resources are misused, they will not result in better human resources or superior physical assets and processes. Furthermore, strong financial resources are an even greater importance in the hospitality industry where it is a highly competitive environment and innovations are quickly imitated. If the financial resources are secured, the organization is able to invest in unique, valuable and difficult to imitate capabilities. Consequently, it can gain the competitive advantage. Intercontinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG) is the worlds largest hotel operator in respect of the number of rooms totaling 585,094 in a 2008 report. IHG mainly operates in the UK, the US, Asia Pacific, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Moreover, this large hotel operator consists of seven hotel brands including InterContinental, Crowne Plaza, Hotel Indigo, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Stayb ridge Suites and Candlewood Suites. Intercontinental Hotels Group operates its hotels in three different ways- as a franchisor, an owner, and an operator. Since the biggest part of the business is franchising, IHGs focus lies on driving demands for its brands. On a global scale, the hotel operators distribution system includes global advertising, marketing campaigns, call centers, and local language websites (Jones, 2009). Despite having a competitive advantage with its strong brand awareness and diversified properties worldwide, IHG needs to constantly monitor its environment and identify both internal and external factors. In this manner, its national and international strategies can remain well suited to the developing environment and capabilities. While an audit of the business is necessary to analyze Intercontinental Hotels Groups current position, assessing the financial resources and performance carry a greater weight for decision making. 1. EXTERNAL AUDIT Macro (PESTLE) Analysis: Awareness of a changing environment is of central importance in developing and implementing a robust strategy. PESTLE analysis is a framework used for environmental scanning in strategic management and is comprised of political, economical, social, technological, legal, and environmental components. Political and legal factors can affect aspects of the UK hospitality industry. Tax regulations and employment laws can be altered due to the UK elections that recently took place. Hayman describes how the British Hospitality Association has asked the new coalition government to support the UK tourism industry by providing increased investment and reduced regulation (Anon., 2010). Another essential component in the external environment is the economical factor. The effects of recession have severely impacted the overall performance such as hotels occupancy rates and revenues of the UK hotel market. Amongst these effects is the drop in international and national corporate market segment. A third component in the PESTLE analysis is the social factor. UK consumers have decreased their number of trips, number of nights spent in accommodation, and their overall expenditure. Another element in the macro-scanning is the technological factor. The rise of the internet has allowed major hotel chains to invest in websites and direct booking systems allowing consumers to book, view, and review hotels. Finally, the environmental factor is also of importance when analyzing the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility has slowly become integrated in many organizations business objectives. For a hotel to be socially responsible, it must follow through many policies such as abiding by the Energy Consumption laws and engaging with the local community. Micro (Porters 5 Forces) Analysis The factors in the macro-environment analysis can be used to determine how the firms industry environment (micro audit) is affected. Porters five forces of competition framework can be used to analyze the intensity of competition and the level of profitability (Grant, 2005). These five forces include competition from substitutes, entrants, power of suppliers, power of buyers, and established rivals. The threat of substitutes for Intercontinental Hotels Group is high risk. During the recession, many customers were staying at budget hotels, which became increasingly popular amongst the leisure and corporate markets. Since the barriers to entry into the hotel industry are high, the threat of entry involved is low. The barriers included are high capital requirements or entry costs, high fixed costs, no economies of scale, and resistance from the existing market. The power of suppliers is considered medium-risk for IHG. Since furniture and fittings must be of a certain standard relevant t o a hotel, they are purchased in bulk from specialist contract suppliers. On the other hand, there are no switching costs for food manufacturers and processors. Another element of the five forces is the power of buyer, which is high in the case of Intercontinental Hotels Group. The buyers are sensitive to the prices charged by the hotels in the industry. Moreover, they can easily compare not only prices but also quality and ratings via Internet using various websites. Finally, the rivalry amongst established competitors is of high risk. The major competitors of IHG are Hilton Hotels Corporation, Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide, Hyatt Corporation, and Accor. These large hotel chains offer similar products and services, which means customers are willing to substitute. 2. BUSINESS STRATEGY In order for an organization to compete within a particular industry, it must gain a competitive advantage over its competitors by establishing a business strategy (Grant, 2005). The main objective of a business strategy is to link an organizations internal capabilities and the external environment. IHG not only continuously monitors the environment, but also ensures that the strategy remains aligned with external factors. The core focus of Intercontinental Hotels Group is to create Great Hotels Guests Love. In 2009, despite economic hardships, IHG analyzed its operations and capabilities to focus on how to deliver Great Hotels Guests Love. This major hotel chains strategy concentrates on two key aspects: where it chooses to compete and how it will win in the competing market. There are five key priorities in support of IHGs overall strategy. Some of these priorities include financial returns, its people, responsible business, and guest experience. The progress of these priorities is measured to ensure the achievement of Great Hotels Guests Love. Intercontinental Hotels Groups strategy is also pertinent to regional objectives and priorities. 3. INTERNAL AUDIT 3.1 Human Resources: In order for a strategy to be carried out, human resource is required. According to Kaplan and Norton, human capital is the availability of skills, talent, and know-how required to support the organizations strategy (2004). Employees are not only critical to achieving sustainable competitive advantage, but also integral in an organizations business plans. One of IHGs key strategic priorities is to use its people to create a more efficient organization with strong core capabilities. Intercontinental Hotel Groups focus lies in developing skills to support its key goals for responsible business, guest experience and financial returns by managing employee engagement. Approximately 335,000 people are employed globally across IHGs brands including franchised and managed hotels. The business has been balancing cost reduction and restructuring programs while managing engagement for the people and guests during 2009. To achieve Great Hotels Guests Love this organization has developed a clear articulation of its values and the behaviors expected from all employees, as well as creating the right environment for employees so that they can deliver the core purpose 3.2 Mechanical Resources: Another type of organizational resource is non-human assets such as technology and reputation. IHGs central reservation system technology includes the operations of the HolidexPlus reservation system. This system electronically receives reservation requests entered on terminals located at most of its reservation centers, as well as from global distribution systems operated by a number of major corporations and travel agents. There are currently ten global reservation offices available to take hotel bookings from guests 24 hours a day in 26 different languages. IHG generates room sales globally through their branded websites. Kaplan and Norton state that an excellent reputation for performance along social dimensions not only attracts high quality employees, but also enhances the image with customers and socially conscious investors (2004). IHG believes that corporate responsibility (CR) is integral to the way it conducts business and also at the core of its strategy. Moreover, it ass ists in building competitive advantage. Intercontinental Hotel Groups CR strategy is focused in the environment and its communities in order to drive increased value for IHG, owners, employees, and guests. 3.3 Financial Resources: While human and mechanical resources are equally important, the financial component of the strategy is just as crucial in a highly competitive industry such as the hospitality one. The balancing act of both growth and productivity dimensions is the organizing framework for an organizations strategy map. According to Harrison and Enz, strong cash flow, low levels of debt, a strong credit rating, access to low-interest capital, and a reputation for creditworthiness are powerful strengths that can serve as a source of strategic flexibility, which means that firms can be more responsive to new opportunities and new threats (2005). 3.3.1 Analysis of Key Ratios Companies will often track trends of key ratios over several years to compare their numbers against industry averages from a major competitor to assess comparative financial strength (Harrison and Enz, 2005). The following are some key ratios using IHG financial information from its annual report: a. Liquidity ratios help an organization determine its ability to pay short-term obligations such as debts and payables (Bertoneeche and Knight, 2001). i) An example of this is Current Ratio, which can be formulated as follows: Current Ratio= Current Assets/ Current Liabilities 2008: Current Assets= $544m Current Liabilities= $1141m Current Ratio= 0.47 2009: Current Assets= $419m Current Liabilities= $1053m Current Ratio= 0.40 Because the Current Ratio is below 1 for both years, it suggests that IHG is unable to pay off its short-term obligations if they were due at that point. The decrease of current assets is probably due to the recession period. Although this implies that the organization is not in good financial health, it does not necessarily mean that it will go bankrupt. ii) Another example of a liquidity ratio is the quick ratio also known as the acid test and can be figured as shown below: Quick Ratio= (Current Assets- Inventories) / (Current Liabilities) 2008: Current Assets= $544m Inventories= $4m Current Liabilities= $1141m Quick Ratio= 0.47 2009: Current Assets= $419m Inventories-$4m Current Liabilities= $1053m Quick Ratio= 0.39 The difference between current ratio and quick ratio is inventories. Inventory is excluded in quick ratio since some companies have difficulty turning their inventory into cash. In the case of IHG, the quick ratios for both 2008 and 2009 are similar to the current ratios. Since the hotel industry is mostly service oriented, there are not much inventories to turn into cash. b. Profitability ratios are another key dimension to an organizations firm health. According to Harrison and Enz (2005, p.72), They are a common measure of overall financial success. i) One type of profitability ratios is net profit margin ratio can be calculated as follows: Net Profit Margin= (Net Profit/ Revenues)* 100 2008: Net Profit= $262m Revenues= $ 1897m Net Profit Margin= 0.14 or 13.81% 2009: Net Profit= $214m Revenues=$1538m Net Profit Margin= 0.14 or 13.91% For every $1 generated in revenue, IHG made a profit of 13.81% in 2008 and 13.91% in 2009. Even though the net profit and revenues for 2008 are higher than that of 2009, there was a slight increase in the net profit margin. ii) Another profitability ratio is gross profit margin which can be determined as follows: Gross Profit Margin= (Gross Profit/Revenues)* 100% 2008: Gross Profit= $1045m Revenues= $1897m Gross Profit Margin= 0.55 or 55.08% 2009: Gross Profit= $678m Revenues= $1538m Gross Profit Margin= 0.44 or 44.08% Gross profit margin discloses the profit an organization makes on its cost of sales. IHGs gross profit margin decreased in 2009 due to lower revenues and higher cost of sales compared to 2008. This simply shows that the efficiency of operations and product pricing subsided. iii) Return on capital employed ratio compares the profit made by an organization with the amount of money invested. The formula is as follows: ROCE= Net Profit/ Capital Employed Capital Employed= Shareholders Funds + Long Term Liabilities 2008: Net Profit= $262m Capital Employed= $1972m+$1= $1973m ROCE= 0.13 or 13.28% 2009: Net Profit= $214m Capital Employed= $1684m+$156m= $1840m ROCE= 0.11 or 11.63% According to the authors in Business Studies, the higher the ratio, the better indication of performance it is in terms of profit returned for the capital invested (Hall, Jones, and Raffo, 2004). Over the past two years, the ROCE has decreased from 13.28 per cent to 11.63 per cent. This means that less profit was made to cover the capital employed. c. A third key dimension to assessing an organizations financial standing is efficiency ratio, which evaluates how effectively capital is employed within the firm (Bertoneche Knight, 2001). i) Asset turnover ratio reflects how assets are being effectively used to generate revenues. The formula is the following: Asset Turnover Ratio= Revenues/ Total Assets 2008: Revenues= $1897m Total Assets= $3118m Asset Turnover Ratio= 0.61 2009: Revenues= $1538m Total Assets= $2893m Asset Turnover Ratio= 0.54 From this ratio analysis, IHG had a decrease in its asset turnover from 2008 to 2009. For every $1 of assets it owned, IHG generated $0.61 of sales in 2008 and $0.54 in 2009. Since the ratios for both years are relatively low compared to other industries, the organization might not be utilizing its assets to a full potential. However, the profit margin ratio is higher compared to another sector of the hotel industry such as budget hotels. d. Gearing ratios illustrate the long term financial position of an organization. They can assess whether or not a business is burdened by its loans (Hall, Jones, and Raffo, 2004). The formula for gearing is as follows: Gearing= Fixed Cost Capital/ Long Term Capital Long Term Capital= Shareholders Funds + Long Term loans 2008: Fixed Cost Capital= $1972m Long Term Capital= $1m + $1972m= $1973m Gearing= 0.99 or 99.95% 2009: Fixed Cost Capital= $1684m Long Term Capital= $156m + $1684m= $1840m Gearing= 0.92 or 91.52% Since the ratios for both years are higher than 50 per cent, IHG is considered a high geared company. This simply signifies that a much higher proportion of total capital is borrowed. Even though the gearing ratio decreased from 2008 to 2009, IHG is still considered as risky by creditors. After analyzing the key ratios previously formulated and comparing between 2008 and 2009, one can conclude that Intercontinental Hotel Group is not financially fit. Both liquidity ratios, current and quick, decreased from 2008 and 2009 signifying that assets cannot easily be turned into cash. Moreover, the decrease of profitability ratios including gross profit margin and ROCE indicate weakness of the business. The net profit margin, however, did slightly increase from 2008 to 2009. Furthermore, IHGS poor asset turnover ratio shows that the company is not using its assets effectively. Lastly, the organizations high gearing nature also contributes to the fact that IHG is reliant on borrowed business. Overall, it needs to make changes to improve its financial health. 4. RECOMMENDATIONS/ CONCLUSION The utilization of an organizations resources must not only be effective, but also efficient (Pettinger, 1997). While the strengths of IHG management for both financial and non-financial resources can be enhanced, the weaknesses must not be overlooked. In order for IHG to carry out their strategic objective of creating an efficient organization, its human resource management must be committed to several practices such as selective hiring, focus on training and development, communication and information sharing, good level of compensation, and team working (Porter, Smith, Fagg, 2006). In this manner, IHG will be able to achieve positive human resource outcomes, which can lead to quality and productivity. This in turn can heighten the organizational performance in terms of financial outcomes. Furthermore, IHG management can take general action to increase the stream of cash flows and drive value. Increasing business with current customers, expanding global presence, reducing expenses and pursuing complementary alliances can all promote growth. According to DeFranco and Lattin(2007, p.119), Rather than focus on expansion in a single city, some companies elect to expand to new markets. The benefit of this type of growth is that it spreads the risk of expansion over several markets. For example, concierge services can incorporate the usage of iPad to visually assist the guests common questions such as directions. Another example is diversifying related products such as vacation ownership and corporate housing. By doing this, Intercontinental Hotel Group will be able to enhance its product image. Margins can be improved if IHG focuses on restructuring, efficiency, productivity, and cost control. Moreover, increasing inventory turns and getting best conditions from suppliers can aid in lowering the companys working capital. The organization can also optimize asset utilization by either lowering capital expenditures or improving turnover ratios (Bertoneche Knight, 20 01). An example of a capital expenditure is restoring a property or adapting it to a new or different use. In the case of IHG, this can involve renovating or refurbishing one of its hotels. By lowering capital expenditures, the balance sheet can be affected positively. In conclusion, IHG has managed to successfully remain as one of the top hotel chains worldwide, it still needs to constantly be monitoring the external and internal environment to be able to compete in the hospitality industry. As more and more competitors are arising, IHG need to continuously revise and review its strategic objectives, which include human resources, mechanical resources, and financial resources. By evaluating financial ratios, IHG can monitor the performance of its operations and evaluate its efforts to meet a variety of goals. By tracking a selected set of ratios on a regular basis, the organization is able to maintain a fairly accurate perception of the effectiveness and efficiency of its operations (Andrew, Damitio Schmidgallm 2007). Even though the hospitality industry is dynamic and exciting, it poses many challenges such as low profitability, reliance on discretionary income, capital intensive, fluctuating sales volume and labor intensive. IHG has to ensure t hat it is able to overcome these challenges so that it can grow and increase its value. .

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Rational Choice Theory Essay -- Legal Issues, Criminal Activity

There are three main points that are reinforced in rational choice theory (Cornish and Clarke, 1986). First, it may work better or worse for different types of crime, yet it is thought that there are rational choices in every type of crime even impulsive and pathologic crimes. Second, the theory should be applied on a crime-specific basis. Hence, burglaries can’t be grouped together in among residential and commercial categories. Rather, they must be broken into smaller facets such as public housing burglaries or wealthy residential neighborhoods. Finally, a distinction is made between criminal involvement and criminal events. Criminal involvement describes how individuals get involved in crime and further continue or abstain from this lifestyle. Criminal events have unique underpinnings, which are often shorter processes than criminal involvement structures. Among the goals of rational choice theory is to explain all types of crime (Cornish and Clarke, 1986). However, it does not propose that there is an underlying unity between different types of crime like other theories. Instead, these diverse elements are important in explaining why such events occur. Also, it incorporates factors that lead to crime, emphasizes the pattern of decisions throughout a criminal career, and accounts for situational variables of crime. In comparison, the deterrence theory proposes that the fear of legal punishment diverts people away from crime, while rational choice theory advances that in the act of choosing whether or not to commit a crime the benefits are weighed (Stafford and Warr, 1993; Cornish and Clarke, 1986). Hence, in both theories pain is a cause for not committing crimes. Furthermore, the deterrence theory has two chil..., these three points show that development is a constant interaction between the self and the environment coupled with chance or luck. Recognizing that luck plays a role, or more appropriately called â€Å"random development noise†, is important to show the significance of the randomness of the process. Thornberry (1987) acknowledges the weight of the social control theory, social learning theory, and integrated models that combine the two. However, there are three limitations. First, causal structures are unidirectional instead of reciprocal. One example, social psychological research points to the reciprocal relationship between delinquent values and behaviors. Second, these theories use models that are usually non-developmental in nature – only focusing on one age range. Lastly, they surmise causal effects in a social structure to be similar throughout.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Jazz paper -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Born in New York City, Artie Shaw would become one of the top bandleaders in the swing era. He began his musical career as a highly sought-after alto saxophone player in the New York area, and was able to benefit from the growth of radio and studio recordings. As he perfected his technical ability with various dance bands, he was still relatively unknown in the early 30’s when he began to focus exclusively on the Clarinet while Swing music began to grow in popularity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While we may carefully analyze the two pieces to satisfy our curiosity regarding musical evolution in Jazz, we should also not lose sight of the fact that these are two very enjoyable styles of music. From the lively swing orchestras inspiring large audiences to dance, to the softer Bossa Nova sound which is pleasing to hear in a relaxed setting, both have contributed to the growth of musical creativity in Jazz from the 1930’s through today. Shaw first broke through with an unusual string quartet in New York’s Imperial Theater. By early 1937, Shaw had formed a conventional swing band which would eventually record â€Å"Begin the Beguine†. Tormented by the pressures that came with unwanted fame, Artie Shaw disbanded his band at the height of his fame, but was able to mount a comeback with a new band the following year to record many more hit songs. Artie Shaw would go on to serve honorably in the US Navy during World War 2, but after returning in the mid-40’s it became clear that the times had changed, and it was no longer economically viable to support a big swing band. He continued to play sporadically and attempt to lead new bands until discouragement led him to announce his retirement in the mid-1950’s, after which he would never even play the clarinet again. Antonio Carlos Jobim, also known by his lifelong nickname of â€Å"Tom†, grew up in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. During his late teens he began to pursue an education as an Architect, but by the time he turned 20, he could not resist a powerful attraction to music so he started to play the piano in nightclubs and worked in music studios. He recorded his first record in 1954 and found fame 2 years later when he provided the score for the play â€Å"Orfeo do Carnaval†. In 1958, along with the work of Brazilian Singer Joao Gilberto, Antonio Jobim launched the phenomenon known as Bossa Nova. In... ...finado on the other hand seems to be less restrictive, allowing the guitar to fade out right as the saxophone begins his contribution to the piece. Underneath it all, the rhythm section’s contribution as they keep time seems to reinforce this changing style of increasing creativity with the steady flat traditional sound of swing to the very creative rhythms in Bossa Nova.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the history of musical evolution, there are few styles which show more variation than Jazz. As such, it is sometimes enlightening to illustrate this variation by examining and contrasting some of the very unique styles of jazz, as well as the people behind the music. Within these pages, we will examine the Swing era represented by the performance of â€Å"Begin the Beguine† from Artie Shaw’s Orchestra with the Bossa Nova sound of â€Å"Desafinado† composed by Antonio Carlos Jobim. During this investigation we will see how two very different people from very different eras and styles both enjoyed commercial success under the big tent of Jazz music, as the highly organized sound of the big band era slowly gave way to newer styles that encouraged freedom in creativity by the soloists.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Demographic Data Interpretation Essay

Using the results from A1, we can see that there is the Black American Female Population has a lower CDR and a higher ISDR than the White American Female Population. As we know CDR does not refer to sub-groups that might better represent the population likely to experience the death, which indicates that it takes no account of the age structure of the population. In fact, the age structure of populations can have substantial effects on crude rates. (CDR= ÃŽ £Pop in age sex group/ Total Population* ASDR) It is obvious that there is a significantly larger proportion of the White American female population in the elder age groups (due to high life expectancy and low exposure to mortality). However, the White American Female Population has a higher CDR at 9.162 than the CDR of the Black American Female at 6.735, therefore, the CDRs we calculated do not accurately account for the age structure of the population. When we have a look at the data for ASDRs, it is obviously that ASDRS of aged 55-85+ of the Black are much higher than the White, however, the respectively number of females population of the White is significantly larger than the Black, around ten times averagely. Therefore, even if the CDR is higher, it does not adequately indicate a higher mortality rate instead of consideration of ASDRs, which is difference in age structures. On the other hand, ISDRsï ¼Ë†the Indirect Standardized Death Rateï ¼â€°of the two populations was 11.479 per 1000 population for the Black American Female Population, compared to the ISDR of the White American Female Population at 9.162 deaths per 1000 population.) Since ISDR is the data results from population standardization, which is a procedure of adjustment of crude rates to eliminate the effects age structure from the crude rates, it is more appropriate for evaluating different mortalities. The method we use here is the indirect standardization which are standardises on Age Specific Death Rates. This measure is calculated by using a SMR, which is the mortality ratio between the actual observed number of deaths in the population of interest divided by the expected number of deaths were that population to experience the ASDRs of the base population, which in this case is the White American Female Population. Since the ADSRs of the base population are lower for every point in comparison to the Black American Female Population, the SMR indicates that the population of interest experienced a much higher actual exposure to mortality in comparison to its standard population, which is the White population. Unlike the CDR, the ISDR measures standardize the mortality exposure of the population of interest by for differences in age structure. It is a more accurate measure to correctly adjust for differences in age structure between different populations and allows us to more accurately compare the overall mortality exposure of the two populations. B.2.Using the results from A.2, describe the changes in Total Fertility Rate (TFR) and Age Specific Fertility Rates (ASFR) over time among the Black and White American female population. Suggest possible causes or determinants of the changes. How do the values of Net Reproduction Rates (NRR) for the Black and White American female population in 2011 compare to the replacement level? Refer to Appendix A &B As shown by the table, from 2006 to 2011, ASFRs of age groups 15-29 of the Black female population have declined, while they increased between age 30 to 49 of the Black during this period. In contrast, during this period, the ASFRs of the White female American population have declined for all age groups between 15 to 49, except for an increase of 0.1 in age group 40-44. By comparing the two population in different year, we can see that, in 2006 and 2011, ISDRs of age 15-24 of the Black is significantly higher than the White of same age groups, while In 2006, ISDRs of age 25-49 of the Black is continuously lower than the White of same age groups. However, in 2011, only two ASDRs of age groups 25-29 and 35-39 of the White were higher than that of the Black. On the other hand, the general trends of TFR of both populations were declining from 2006 to 2011, while the TFR of the Black was continuously higher than the White during this period. Possible determinants of these common changes between the different ethnicities could include a primary trend among young adults of both black and white to postpone having children. According to data of 2006, among 18-to-24-year-olds, more women than men are enrolled in college in every racial and ethnic group. Increasing college attendance, especially among women, leads to better education, which affects the timing of marriages and first births of women, typically delaying both. Therefore, the U.S. fertility rate may drop further if the share of women attending and completing college continues to increase. (WSJ 2013) On the other hand, as the flow of immigrants is essential to the maintenance and growth of fertility, a slowdown in immigration into the US has also caused significant drops in the US fertility rate. Moreover, relatively high unemployment rates among African Americans may have played a role in the fertility decline—especially among those with less education and lower incomes. The fertility rate began to depend on women’s employment and earnings relative to men. (Overberg, P 2013) Women outnumber men in college and make up a growing share of the labor force. This gave rise to the recession which hit male-dominated jobs. As more women become primary breadwinners, fertility decisions are more likely to hinge on women’s earnings than they did in previous decades. A growing reliance on women’s employment and earnings had a greater influence on both the black and white fertility rate in America. As to data of NRR, the values for both populations in 2011 are 0.924 for NRR of the black and 0.855 of the white, we can see that the Black American female population had a higher NRR than the White population. This may due to national traditions and cultural norms as well as other important determinants such as socioeconomic status, impact on income, education, trend in marriage and access to contraception. (Population Reference Bureau ) Comparing the NRRs for both populations to the replacement level at 1.0, indicates that if ASFRs and ASDRs (and sex ratio at birth) remain constant over time, and there is no migration, these populations eventually will decline in size. B.3. Using the results from A.3, write paragraphs describing and accounting for the changes in the female population of USA between 2006 and 2011 shown by your projection for USA (e.g. how is the total number of population projected to change, which age groups are projected to increase and which to decrease, what are the components of the projected growth, how can relative cohort sizes account for the changes by age). According to the graphics of Appendix C, which shows the comparison of American female population of different ages from 0-85+ during year 2006 to 2011, we can see that the 2011 projection has a significantly larger proportion of the population in the 45 and over age group. More significantly, there is a projected increase in the number of elderly dependents especially above age group 50-54 in 2011 compared to year 2006. On the other hand, when having a look at the population of working age referring to the graph, there is a projected reduction from age 35-50 in 2011 compared to year 2006. Therefore, more elderly dependents with less population at work gave rise to larger elder dependency ratio of American females. The total number of the female US population in 2006 was approximately 154,120,000. While the projected figure has been estimated at 146,092,459, which is approximately an 8 million decline in population as a result of lower fertility, net migration and a constant sex ratio. The expected number of births has been projected to decrease at around the same ratio with the US decreasing fertility rates. The Census Bureau projects that the U.S. population will continue to grow, to almost 440 million persons by year 2050, albeit at a slower pace than the growth recorded over the past half-century. However, the population projections are rely upon assumptions about the future courses of mortality, fertility, and immigration. Immigration has been another important component of population growth in the United States. The net immigration rate, which is an essential factor to the age-sex structure of US population, has been projected to be positive nearly among all age groups from 0 to 84, except for the eldest age group 85+ (-49). Average growth rates for each 5-year projection period were positive, but have generally been declining over time. Expressed as a percentage of the population at the beginning of the period, the average population growth rate in the 2006, for example, was 1.7% per annum while it was only 0.9% per year during the 2011. The Census Bureau assumes that the growth rate will remain positive through year 2050, but will fluctuate over the time period. The current level of 0.8% per annum will increase through 2030 to closer to 0.9% per annum. After 2030 the growth rate is expected to return to 0.8% per annum.( Census Bureau 2013) Trends in the size and growth of the U.S. population reflect the importance of the role of human reproduction and the fertility factors, as well as the net effect of population migrants of the United States. Reference According to data of 2006, among 18-to-24-year-olds, more women than men are enrolled in college in every racial and ethnic group. [ONLINE] Available at: Fact Sheet: The Decline in U.S. Fertility – Population Reference Bureau Welcome to Human Life Alliance. 2013. Welcome to Human Life Alliance. the U.S. fertility rate may drop further if the share of women attending and completing college continues to increase. The Census Bureau assumes that the growth rate will remain positive through year 2050, but will fluctuate over the time period. The current level of 0.8% per annum will increase through 2030 to closer to 0.9% per annum. After 2030 the growth rate is expected to return to 0.8% per annum.

Monday, September 16, 2019


A hero is a person who carries divergent qualities and abilities and is admired by others for his achievements and his brave deeds. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Tactics Finch is exhibited as man who stuck with his morals, values, beliefs and ethics regarding all situations he was put through throughout the novel. He stood on his ground, making a luminous understanding to the people of Macomb that nothing would affect his thinking.Finch is a hero through his effectuation that are underscored right through the evolve and his abilities that were demonstrated and explained through other characters in the novel. Despite all Finch took the challenge of defending a â€Å"colored† man in the time of when slavery was abolished but black people were thought to be lower than white people. In life, one is taught and influenced by many of how to approach, and solve problems. One should be capable of standing strong in his/her beliefs despite what others might not say.Ta ctics Finch was a man who believed in what was right as cliche as it might sound he did not believe in the popular convictions because according to him success was not in winning in fact he did not mind loosing as long as he put his best in the situation. Often in life, one confronts situations where they have to make a decision, a decision that will lead them to the right path and having only one chance of doing so. Sometimes in failure was where one would find their victory.Tactics Finch, a successful lawyer in Macomb, Alabama, was authorized to take up the case of defending a black or â€Å"colored† man as referred in the novel regardless of the â€Å"usual Macomb disease† that conquered the whole town. Finch's kids, Jean Louis offered as Scout and Gem, were being bullied in school for their father defending a black man that is wrong no matter what the circumstances are. They were being questioned and they questioned their father about why Finch would defend a black when it is not accepted or considered good in the people of Macomb.Tactics Finch was a well respected man of the town, he always knew what to do and what not to do. When the kids questioned he simply answered â€Å"l am simply defending a Necrosis name's Tom Robinson† (Lee 75). Tactics Finch was a man of his words, once said he put all his strength to accomplish the task. His confidence and dignity made him a heroic figure for the people in town, in fact many people looked up to him. Once the word was spread of him taking Robinsons case, the citizens knew that he might Just have s chance of being Justified.On the day of the Robinson Trial, when Tactics entered the court room people stood up for him as respect. Reverend Sykes had even demanded for Scout to stand up when her father entered the courtroom. Considering the fact that Sykes was black, all the â€Å"colored† groups stood up as well. California, a black woman who worker in Finch's home, took Gem and Scout to h er lack people church where they were not disrespected or kicked out rather was welcomed warmly. If Tactics had denied to take up Robinsons case than the situation would have been different because than the kids could have been treated the complete opposite.However, the black people completely aware that Tactics definitely possessed the traits to handle such a complicated case in a such a difficult situation which Just made them respect him and his family more. Not Just taking up the Robinsons case made Finch a hero but it was throughout how he helped others in need. Finch was known as the â€Å"One-Shot Finch† as he was the best shooter in the whole town and got his work done in one gun-shot, no more than one. Finch had been successful in saving the town from a â€Å"mad dog† by shooting at it with one shot.This was a new side to Finch that his kids were not aware of, and when witnessed it, it left them stumped. Miss Maude, a woman who always spoke with a reason, seem ed to know Tactics pretty well, she told Gem and Finch, when younger Finch was known as the â€Å"01†² One Shot† (98 Lee). That had left the kids a bit confused since they were strangers to this news about their father. Miss Maude cleared their confusion that their father was capable of performing everything. Miss Maude told them that Tactics Finch was the best checker player and had knowledge in playing Jews harp.Tactics once said muff never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them† and to Scout â€Å"As Tactics advised me to, I tried to climb into Gem's skin and walk in it† were two clear examples of showing how his kids followed his suggestions (Lee 57). Because for Gem and Scout he was a true hero in their eyes; they were so sure that Tactics Finch would give it his best regardless of how implicated the situation is. Their father was who they looked up to and knew that he was always correct.Not did he only defend a black mal e, but remained respectful to everyone in the town including Mrs.. Dubos. Mrs.. Dubos remained grouchy and mean all the time to everyone, Tactics always tried to ignore her ignorance and talk to her in a cheerful- attitude†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ You look like a picture this evening†(Lee 100). Mrs.. Dubos was not the only one that Tactics tolerated, but his sister, Alexandra also gave him, the kids and mainly California a really difficult time. Tactics and the kids thought of California as their Emily member; however, Aunt Alexandra never appreciated their presence.Also, as Tactics said † †¦ Scaloppini's not leaving this house until she wants to. She's a faithful member of this family†¦ † (Lee 137). Tactics is a major influence to others especially when he is clearly highlighted that courage and believing in one self helps to overcome any obstacle that comes in ones way. Tactics stated in the book that you must fight despite you seeing chances of loosing more than winning. He did not believe racism existed as he was the one who went out in the courtroom to defend a black despite seeing no chances of him inning.He was well aware that no matter how strong his case would be racism would always come in the way and prevent from him wining; however, that did not discourage in fact it Just made him work harder on his case and presented exceptionally well which even left the audience in the courtroom stumped. Finch believed in equality, and no matter what race you are humanity should always exist no matter what the circumstances become. He fought till the very end, from risking his life for Robinson to making a solid and strong speech which was mind blowing end to the case.Finch protected his family well which he also took pride in; ergo, he never got egotistical about it because often he doubted himself not to be a good father despite him trying so hard to be a good. He was able to give his children advice on what they were struggling on. Finch was a strong, determined man who did not tolerate any kind of nonsense and only went through decisions of his own that he thought were correct in is eyes Often in life, one confronts situations where they have to make a decision, a decision that will lead them to the right path and having only one chance of doing so.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

What problems are associated with trying to measure social class?

The main problem with trying to measure social class is that the term social class is most controversial. Therefore the way in which it is measured will vary according to how it is defined. Many theorists argue that the question of how to measure social class cannot be separated from the question of class-consciousness. Thompson believed that social class would only exist if there were class- consciousness. By this he meant â€Å"class is only class if you believe that you belong to a certain class†. What this meant was that individuals in the same class situation share a sense of their common interest, and thus think or behave in a similar manner. Whereas Marx believed that class was identified according to an individuals relationship to the dominant mode of production. He believed that the â€Å"two great classes† of a capitalist society were the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie were those who were the owners and controllers of the means of production ands the proletariat were those who only had their own labour power, which they were forced to sell in order to survive. This then leads to class inequalities, as the bourgeoisie will aim to maximise production with minimum costs. This would mean that the bourgeoisie make the proletariat work exceptionally hard and pay very little. Marx would argue that these economic inequalities lead to class inequalities. The main way in which individuals are allocated to their â€Å"social class† is via their employment position and the structure of employment has been divided up in various ways in order to generate them. This is know as the employment aggregate approach to class analysis. There are many ways in which class schemes that are available. One of the main schemes is the register general. This scheme has six categories, ranging from professional occupations to unskilled manual workers, which clearly show the hierarchy of occupations advantages and disadvantages. The register generals class scheme show support for Marxist theory of class inequality on the bases of economic factors. As he argued that class division does occur on the bases of the type of employment you are in and the register general's class scheme clearly reflects this. Marx would also go on to argue that those in the lower professions are unable to move up the class structure as it is not in the interest of the bourgeoisie, also they are not given the same life chances as the bourgeoisie, for example the education that those in the top professions receive is argued to be better than those in the lower professions. It has also been argued that even if social mobility does occur its is much harder for the working class to get to the top professions as they are faced with more difficult along the way. However there are a number of problems with using the register generals class scheme to define which social class an individual belongs to. This is because in order to gain the information to categories individuals into their social class the Government produce a census form, which the public must complete. However because it is a questionnaire there are many methodological problems associated with it. The main one being that the public may not be completely honest when completing the form, in fear of being judged or not wanting others to know their personal information. Also the census only requires a simple job description and not detailed information, this can not then be a reliable way in which to categories peoples occupational status. Another problem with using occupational scales to measure social class is that although a certain job may come under the heading of a manual worker the actual job it self may be highly paid and involve a lot of skill, but due to the fact the individual is doing manual work they would still be classified as working class. An example of this would be a builder, their job involves a lot of skill and is highly paid but it is still a manual job, therefore you would be considered working class. Another main problem with using the register generals class scheme is that there are many people who don't classify to any of the categories provided. For example domestic workers and employer don't figure in the scale therefore how can they be allocated to a certain class. Another method for measuring social class is on cultural and political factors. What is meant by this is that the type of lifestyle you lead is a measure for what social class you fit into. For example if an individual wears designer clothes such as Gucci and drives a fashionable car then they would be consider to be middle or even upper class, due to their lifestyle. However if an individual was to elect Labour in the public election then they would be considered to be working class as they are believed to be a working class political party. The problem with using this measure of social class is that it is very subjective and to what one individual would define as middle class another may define as working class. Also another problem is that although a person may have the lifestyle of a middle class person e. g. expensive clothes etc they may have a working class job and therefore work extremely long hours in order to live a life similar to the middle class. Another problem with class measurement is the gender factor, although many theorist consider the topic of class to be gender neutral, it has been argued by many that this is not the case. It has been argued that the class structure for men differs from women's due to employment opportunities. It was not until recently that women were actually able to do the same jobs as men and get equal pay. Therefore this would cause problems when measuring women's class position, because although they were working their income was fairly low compared to men doing the same job. Therefore a man and women who doing similar jobs were unlikely to be measured at the same social class if the cultural method was being used. However if they using the employment aggregated method they would be the same social class. This therefore shows the some of the problems with the different methods available. The other gender problem is that until recently women were not able to get the highly professional and powerful jobs therefore would not have been considered as middle class unless there husbands job was middle class. However once women were able to get the higher positioned jobs their employment still had little effect on the families social position because it was always the males employment that was used even if it was lower than the women's. Therefore having considered the different measures that are available to measure social class I believe that it very difficult to measure a persons class position on just the bases of either their occupation, cultural or political factors. This is because I don't believe a person occupation does necessarily indicate which class a person belongs to. This is because although a person may have a professional job there wealth in terms of assets may be very low. Also an individuals may have a classification of a professional job but their status within that job may be low, that's why I feel that Goldthorpe's class scheme is a more accurate than the register generals. Having brought this discussion to an end I believe that in order to accurately measure an individuals social class position all three dimension should be measure (economic, political and cultural) as this would give a more valid social class position.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Visit (play) by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

The story opens with the town of Guellen (which literally means â€Å"excrement†) preparing for the arrival of famed millionairess Claire Zachanassian. The town is in a state of disrepair, and the residents are suffering considerable hardship and poverty. They hope that Claire, a native of the small town, will provide them with much-needed funds. Alfred Ill, the owner of Guellen's general store and the most popular man in town, was Claire's lover when they were young, and agrees with the Mayor that the task of convincing her to make a donation should fall to him.As the town gathers at the railway station to prepare for Claire's arrival, they are met with an unexpected surprise when Claire steps off of an earlier train. She is grand, grotesque, and fantastic, and is accompanied by two henchmen, her husband, a butler, and two eunuchs, along with a coffin, a caged black panther, and various pieces of luggage. She begins a flirtatious exchange with Ill, and they promptly revisit t heir old haunts: Petersen's Barn and Konrad's Village Wood. Ill finds her as delightful as ever, though they are both now in their sixties and significantly overweight. Claire draws Ill's attention to her prosthetic leg and artificial hand.After settling into the Golden Apostle Hotel, Claire joins the rest of the town, who have gathered outside for a homecoming celebration. A band plays, gymnasts perform, and the Mayor gives a speech. Claire takes the opportunity to announce that she will make a donation of one million dollars, half for the town and half to be shared among the families. The townspeople are overjoyed, but their happiness is dampened when Claire's Butler steps forward to reveal her condition. The Butler was once the Lord Chief Justice of Guellen, and had overseen the paternity suit that Claire had brought against Ill in 1910.In the suit, Ill had produced two false witnesses (who have since been transformed into Claire's eunuchs), and the court had ruled in his favor. Ill went on to marry Matilda, who owned the general store, and Claire moved to Hamburg and became a prostitute. She declares to the townspeople that she has come to Guellen to prove that justice can, indeed, be bought. Her donation is conditional on Ill's death. When the Mayor refuses, the town cheers in support, but Claire states rather ominously, â€Å"I'll wait.† Ill feels generally confident about his status in the town.However, as time passes, he begins to feel troubled about their growing discontent, and then increasingly fearful as he begins to notice the proliferation of new yellow  shoes on the feet of the townsmen, and the fact that everyone seems to be purchasing especially expensive items on credit. He goes to see the Policeman to demand that he arrest Claire for having threatened his life, but the Policeman tells him that the threat is nonsense. Ill then turns to the Mayor, who echoes similar sentiments. Both figures are armed, because Claire's black panther ha s escaped from his cage and is prowling about the town.This only feeds Ill's fear, since â€Å"my black panther† was Claire's pet name for him in their youth. He runs to see the Priest, but the Priest seems to be turning away from him as well, as he effectively ignores Ill's fears and instead draws attention to the magnificent new church bell. Slowly, the standard of living in the town rises, even though the townspeople continue to assure Ill that he is safe. Claire then receives the news that her black panther has been killed, and she has a funeral song played in its memory. In an effort to escape, Ill heads to the railway station, but finds that, strangely, the entire town is gathered there. They ask him where he is going, and he says that he is planning to move to Australia.They wish him well, again assuring him that he has nothing to fear in Guellen, but Ill grows increasingly nervous nonetheless. The train arrives, but he decides not to board, believing that someone will stop him anyway. Paralyzed, he collapses in the crowd, crying, â€Å"I'm lost!† After some time passes and Claire weds a new husband in the Guellen Cathedral, the Doctor and the Schoolmaster go to see her and explain that the townspeople have run up considerable debts since her arrival. The Schoolmaster appeals to her sense of humanity and begs her to abandon her desire for vengeance and help the town out of the goodness of her heart. She reveals to them that she already actually owns all of properties in the town, and that she is the reason the businesses have been shut down and caused stagnation and poverty for the citizens.The Doctor and the Schoolmaster are aghast at this revelation. In the meantime, Ill has been pacing the room above the general store, his terror growing as the townspeople buy more and more expensive products on credit. News reporters, having received word of Claire's imminent wedding, are everywhere, and they enter the store to get the scoop on Ill, ha ving heard that he was Claire's lover back in the day. The Schoolmaster, drunk, tries to inform the press about Claire's cruel proposal, but the townspeople stop him. Finally Ill descends the stairs, surprised at the hubbub, but  quiet. The reporters clear the room when they hear that Claire has just divorced the man she has just married, and has found a new lover.After the confusion has cleared, the Schoolmaster and Ill have an honest discussion. The Schoolmaster explains that he is certain that Ill will be killed, and admits that he will ultimately join the ranks of the murderers. Ill calmly states that he has accepted his guilt, and acknowledges that the town's suffering is his fault. The Schoolmaster leaves, and Ill is confronted by the Mayor, who asks whether Ill will accept the town's judgment at that evening's meeting. Ill says that he will. The Mayor then suggests that Ill make things easier on everyone and shoot himself, but Ill refuses, insisting that the town must go th rough the process of actually judging and then killing him.Ill goes for a ride in his son's newly-purchased car, accompanied by his wife, Matilda, and his daughter, both of whom are wearing new outfits. As they drive through Konrad's Village Wood, Ill says that he is going to go for a walk through the woods before heading to the town meeting. His family continues on to the movie theater. In the woods, Ill comes across Claire, who is walking with her newest husband. She asks her husband to leave so that she and Ill can speak privately. They reminisce about the past, and make plans for the future. Claire tells Ill that she plans to take his body away in the coffin to a mausoleum in Capri that overlooks the Mediterranean.She also tells Ill that she has never stopped loving him, but that over time her love has grown into something monstrous. The town meeting is flooded with press, and the town publicly announces their acceptance of Claire's donation. They then go through the formality o f a vote, which is unanimous, and the Mayor states that they have Ill to thank for their new-found wealth. The press is then ushered out of the auditorium to enjoy refreshments. The doors are locked, and the lights are dimmed. The Priest crosses Ill, and he is killed by the townsmen. Just as a reporter reappears in the auditorium, the Doctor announces that Ill has died from a heart attack.The reporters gather, and declare that Ill has died from joy. Claire examines the corpse, gives the Mayor his check, and leaves the town with Ill's body in the coffin that she brought with her when she arrived in Guellen. Claire boards the train at the railway station, and the visit comes to an end.


AIDS Essay AIDSGonzales 1 The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was first discovered in 1981 as a unique and newly recognized infection of the body’s immune system (Mellors 3). The name AIDS was formally know as GRIDS (Gay Related Immune Defiance Syndrome). The first case of AIDS was discovered in Los Angeles, where scientists from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) were called in on a half dozen cases. The CDC was convinced what they were seeing was a new strand of virus. None of the staff members had ever seen a strand of virus that could do so much destruction to the immune system like this one did. Many theories about this disease were in question. Many scientists believed it originated in Africa. Many thought the virus existed in humans in South Central Africa for hundreds and thousands of years, causing only minor symptoms in isolated groups until it spread more widely. AIDS could also be traced back to 1959, where a blood sample was taken from a man from Zaire and then frozen. Labs later indicated that the blood sample had the AIDS virus strand in it. Some weird theories also arose in the science arena, where some scientists believed that the virus was caused by a mutation of an existing virus. Others thought it was a creation of God to punish sinful people. A former government worker claimed it was a plot by the CIA to eliminate the population. One scientist thought the virus was brought here from outer space. One more theory about this virus was this was nature’s way of telling us we have to many people. Gonzales 2 The AIDS rate was known to be very high in homosexual men. It was believed that the AIDS virus was carried from Africa to Haiti. Haiti was known as â€Å"gay paradise,† because it was a popular vacation spot for homosexuals. Bathhouses were the hang out for many homosexual men and a place where prostitution flourished. Some bathhouses reported that more than 1000 men would visit each year. Since many men from all over the world visited these bathhouses, researchers believed the spread of AIDS could be linked to this type of behavior. There are many symptoms that are associated with the AIDS virus, such as HIV (Human Immundodeficiency Virus). HIV is subdivided into two related types, HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is individuals at high risk for developing the AIDS virus. HIV-2 is among people in West Africa and a few other cities that have the strand of the virus called SIV (Simian Immundefienciency Virus) which is found in wild African monkeys. The pattern of the HIV virus usually lasts up to ten years before any symptoms are detected. The first stage is the Primary HIV infection stage. This is where the disease is first detected. Following 3-6 weeks after the initial detection, the Acute HIV Syndrome stage kicks in. Some symptoms to look for in this stage are fever, headaches, sore throat, rashes, and diarrhea. The next stage is the Clinical Latency stage. This stage usually lasts for several years. Some symptoms to look for in this stage are fever, weight loss, fatigue, night Gonzales 3 sweats, and diarrhea. Some infections to look for in this stage are Herpes Zoster (Shingles), Herpes simplex, and lesions on the body. Following the pain and suffering that comes with all these symptoms; death finally takes its toll on another victim. The death toll that AIDS has inflicted on America today is unbelievably high. Within the past decade, the pandemic of HIV and AIDS infections has spread all across the world. READ: Art History Writing Assignment Essay The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that by mid 1996 approximately 28 million people worldwide would had been infected with the HIV virus, of whom 8 million have developed the AIDS and nearly 6 million, including 1.3 million children had died (Mellors 4). It is estimated that about 22 million adults and children are infected worldwide from the HIV virus, and of the 22 million people, about 1 million are in the United States, 5 million in Asia, and about 14 million people in Africa. By the year 2000, the number of AIDS infections will reach about 40 million people across the world. Of all these cases reported in the world, men comprise about 50% of all AIDS cases, woman account for 40%, and children born with this disease comprise of 10%. In the United States, total of more than 500,000 cases were reported to the CDC in 1996. Of those, 500,000 people, 62% of these individuals died from AIDS. AIDS is now the leading cause of death in male’s aged 25-44. The number of cases have increased through the years, as shown here: ? 1985- 4,445 cases were reported. ? 1986- 8,249 Gonzales 4 ? 1987- 12,932 ? 1988- 21,070 ? 1989- 31,001 ? 1990- 33,722 ? 1991- 41,595 ? 1992- 43,672 ? 1994- 78,279 ? 1995- 71,547 The reported cases by sex were 40,080 men, and 6,255 women. Homosexuals and I.V. drug users account for 81% of cases in men. Heterosexual users account for 84% of cases in women (Key 4). Between the years 1994 and 1995, there was a drop in cases reported to the CDC. This is primarily due to the awareness and education of the public to the dangers of AIDS. Spreading the word of prevention is very costly, but the word has to get through to the young generation growing up. High Schools around the country should be educating young teens on this deadly disease. Between 40,000 to 80,000 American’s have the AIDS virus, statistics show that one out of four teenagers have the disease. Today, President Clinton is advising the White House Office of AIDS Policy to talk to young adults about AIDS and the consequences that come with having the disease (Washington 2). Studies have shown that teens that had sex education are less likely to be infected through sexual intercourse. Education is the key for prevention Gonzales 5 among teenagers, since it causes them to realize the dangers of unsafe sex and intravenous drug use. One of the major obstacles in sex education is that many adults refuse to believe their children are sexually active and do not want to seem as if they condone sex. When it comes to HIV status, do not take anyone’s word for it. Researchers found out that 40% of AIDS infected people do not tell their partners, and almost half of them do not even use condoms (Brietzke 88). Testing for HIV is the most important aspect in preventing AIDS. HIV testing is helpful because if a person is aware that he/she is infected, they can be more careful about not spreading the deadly virus. People are often afraid to get tested, for the fear of knowing they are infected. Home tests are now available for easier access and privacy. Researchers worry about young teenagers taking their own life if they were to find out they were infected with the HIV virus. The most important thing to remember about HIV prevention is, you are responsible for your own actions. If you have to use intravenous drugs, make sure the needles are always sterile. Practice safe sex and avoid sex with someone who might be infected. Get tested for HIV if you think there is any chance you may have contracted the HIV virus from someone. Ten years ago AIDS was discovered. To this day, researches still do not have a vaccine for this deadly disease. READ: Rosa Parks Essay It took scientists three years after the virus was discovered to find out how it really works and operates (Key 11). The limited treatment Gonzales 6 available back in 1985 is not nearly as affected as it is today. Today’s treatment is more advanced, but it is very costly and demanding. The only inexpensive treatment that we can give today is prevention. AIDS dropped a stunning 44% in 1997, due to three new potent drugs (Mellors 5). These three new drugs are suppose to revolutionize AIDS care in the future. Typically people start taking these drugs when they learn they are infected with the virus, or when they start showing symptoms of sickness. People who were deathly ill were used to experiment with these new drugs. Months later the patients started showing signs of improvement. Still these drugs are not for everyone. One third of the patients did not improve and later died. The most common reason people stop taking the drugs was that the patients have to swallow 20 or more pills a day, and take them at a precise time. Missing a couple of pills may cause the virus to become immune to the medication. There are many patients that rely on this treatment because this is the only treatment that is making them feel better. To this day in America, the CDC estimates between 400,000 to 650,000 people to be infected with the virus within the next two years. The country needs to pull together and help educate the American people on the dangers of HIV and AIDS.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Catalan Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Catalan Literature - Essay Example Roig’s identification of the female as both carrier and purveyor of Catalonian language, traditions, myths, history and nationalism was circumstantially predetermined by the experiences of this quasi-national community during the Franco years. To understand Roig’s works as something other than a feminist treatise and to fully appreciate their complexity, an understanding of the politically history which informed and incited them, is necessary. In brief, throughout the four decades of General Franco’s dictatorship, the Catalan community, as were the Andalusia, Basque and Castilian, was oppressed through the government’s determined efforts to forcibly impose the Spanish culture and language upon all. The Catalan language and culture were outlawed, with the hope being that their de-legitimisation would, over the generations and years, lead to their obliteration. Both, however, were kept alive within the private and feminine space of the home and, both were ke pt alive through the efforts of Catalan’s women. It was, thus, that Catalonian women played a fundamental role, not only in the rescuing of the national culture and historical memory but, in the survival of Catalonia herself. Within the socio-political history which informs Montserrat Roig’s works lays the key to the understanding of her literary productions. Binary oppositions assume political significance, with the private representing the national space and the public symbolising the oppressive dominance of Franco’s Spain; with the private and the feminine representing oppressed and the public and the male symbolising the oppressor. Indeed, as one who lived during Catalonia’s traumatic linguistic and cultural experiences under Franco, Roig’s works can only be fully understood from this perspective and can only be fully appreciated as a product of a literary mind which, itself, had

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Taj Mahal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Taj Mahal - Essay Example This is to take advantage of the waterfront situation in the garden. The garden around the Tomb has two major sections; the cross-axial and the four-fold garden. The waterfront was a chief element in the design of the whole complex. At the southern far corner of the garden is the Taj forecourt, at both of its widths, are framed by two smaller courts (tombs of lesser wives of Jahan and courtyard for the tomb attendants). The mausoleum also has additional complex of quarters for merchants and tourists. This was to ensure its accessibility to the whole world. The upkeep and maintenance of the Taj Mahal was financed by the taxes from thirty villages in Agra and income from bazaars and caravanserais as ordered by imperial command. According to Koch (2005), â€Å"The Taj is built architectural theory and can be read like a literary text, once we have mastered the architectural language† (p. 137). Even though there are no texts to prove that the Mughals had written architectural theory, Koch states that his investigations have shown that the theory was laid down in the planning itself. In conclusion, the principles of Shah Jahan’s architecture, which resulted in the building of the monument, are geometric planning, symmetry, hierarchy, proportionality and uniformity, attention to details, naturalism, and symbolism. These principles and their astonishing results can be clearly seen in the complex. For instance, asymmetrical planning with a focus on bilateral symmetry can be seen in the central axis in which the main features are placed. In addition, the building was built to symbolize the power and glory of Shah Tahan. The naturalism principle can be seen through decorations of walls, ceilings, and the tombs; they are mostly decorated with flowers of different colors (Koch