Sunday, July 28, 2019

AS Unit F911- Communication in care settings Coursework - 2

AS Unit F911- Communication in care settings - Coursework Example In elderly healthcare facilities, this idea of interpersonal communication is especially important. Many people who work in nursing homes have had experience or taken courses in the field of gerontology, which is the study of the process of aging from a psychological, biological, and social perspective. In the case of an elderly woman who has become reserved with a resulting change in eating behavior, there may be more than a few dynamic forces at play, which have to be considered when discussing the problem on a personal level. Vital communication means being able to understand the individual’s needs, form a relationship with the client and showing respect for the individual (Windsor, & Moonie, 2000). The first important part in ensuring proper communication is the setting that is chosen. The environment in which to conduct effective communication, especially in the case of the elderly, means creating an environment in which they feel comfortable. In this case, for a one on o ne approach, the room of the person would be the most effective place to effectively communicate. This is because it will allow the person to feel like they are on â€Å"home turf†. This is because in unfamiliar locations and interacting with people they are not typically close in can hinder communication efforts (Russell, 2005). In addition, it is a room that can be closed off from the rest of the public. This gives the person the additional privacy that they need. By taking these measures, the person is more likely to open up as they build a relationship with the health care professional. Communication is a two-way approach, which involves interaction with the health care worker and the client (Russell, 2005). The first thing I would focus on is breaking the ice by asking questions about her personally. I would not attack the issue directly due to the fact that it might cause anxiety in which would lead to her defense mechanisms kicking in. By asking broad questions at firs t, I can get a better idea as to what kind of questions need to be asked to get to the issue. Once the relationship has been established and the conversation has been going on, I would start off with telling her that I have noticed some changes in behavior and ask if anything is wrong. This allows her to open her consciousness and tell me whatever she feels comfortable in telling. It is important to not try and force the information out as it might be a sensitive issue and the last thing that needs to happen is to cause further anxiety. Information from the session does not need to be all-verbal. The way in which she answers the question and nonverbal cues such as posture, eye movement, etc. all give glimpses into what she is actually thinking. After getting the required information, the biggest part is making sure to show empathy and to offer assistance in the situation. By showing care and compassion, it gives her someone to look to for assistance having spent the time to communic ate effectively, build the relationship, and figure out what the problem is. In the case of devising a checklist, I would definitely first look at the DSM-IV-TR, Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, in order to see if this is a psychological related problem. The DSM gives criteria for all known mental disorders as well as assessment scales. Based on the removal of her from daily activities, isolation, and change in eating habits, it

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