Monday, February 17, 2020

Basics of Existentialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Basics of Existentialism - Essay Example The way man lives his life is according to his desires. There are some people who live their lives â€Å"as morally and as rationally as possible.† Their intention for doing this is to be a light, an example, to their fellow men. They want others to know that it is possible to live life following what is moral, and rational. These people, however, have one time or another â€Å"been false to themselves.† Even when man gets all else he wants and desires, he will want to prove himself. The choices he will make will be far from rational in this effort. When life is lived manifesting the will of a man, it becomes worthless. Man has desires which present him with the chance to make a choice. The option that man makes is made, according to what he stands to gain from it. But, the advantage only seems, it is not real. The way we live our lives is what makes it a sorry business. When man makes a choice, it is made in order to obtain a supposed advantage. But this advantage that seems to be real is, in fact, nonsense. More so, the choice is made in foolishness. Therefore, looking at the whole business of making choices, it is driven by things that are not what they seem to be. When the options possible for explaining a certain situation are worked out on paper, the desires that drove us to them in the first place no longer exist. We make these choices nonetheless. The desires we have, give essence of our living. â€Å"Extractions of square-roots,† is a means of Dostoevsky saying that life is not a series of mathematical deductions.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Develop an Adroid app or iPhone app; Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Develop an Adroid app or iPhone app; - Essay Example The version of Java that is used in developing mobile applications is Java Rosa (Meier 75). An android application will have the entire file that will entail the source code of the application. The SDK tools for Android makes it easier to start a new Android application. The SDK tools will the libraries and the requirements that you will need to develop an Android application. The GUI development environment that will be used is Eclipse. To start a new Android project, you click on New Android Project. This icon should be available in the toolbar. If this is missing, then it means that the plug-in has not been installed. After this, fill in the forms that appear in the wizard. The application name is the name of the application. After this, click next and in the next screen, you will see the tools that you will help in having a launcher icon for the application. This is where you will customize the icon so that the various densities can be supported. After this, you select the template that you will start building you project on. The next step will require some additional settings but it is recommended that all the default settings be left the way they are. You can also use the command line to run the application (Meier 72). Running of the application will need that you have an Android powered device. Another option of running the project is by using the Eclipse IDE. In order to install the application in a real device, it is important to be aware of some codes that will assist in this. One of such is AndroidManifest.xml. This file defines the various components if the application project (Meier 64). To install and run the application in an Android powered device, there will be a need to have a connection between the computer and the device. The connection is provided by use of USB cable. Connect the USB cable with computer and enable debugging mode. To run the application from